04Environmental Performance
By the Numbers
Around the Network

Aiming for net-zero
As one of the world’s leading communication consultancies, AVENIR GLOBAL is committed to acting as a responsible corporate citizen, working diligently to improve the social and environmental impact of our activities.
In 2023, the Firm made significant strides on its journey to sustainability by meeting globally recognized standards for carbon footprint reduction. Our brands in Europe and the Middle East—AXON, Cherry, Hanover, and Madano—worked with specialized third-party consultants to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their carbon footprint across all three main scopes.
Following this assessment, AVENIR GLOBAL’s Europe and the Middle East operations committed to reducing their Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 70% and Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030, with the ultimate goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2040. These targets will be reviewed annually by an independent auditor, who will assist us in refining the accuracy of our emissions reporting.

Cutting down on plastic
Single-use plastics (SUPs) pose a significant threat to ecosystems, wildlife, and human health—as evidenced by the increasing presence of plastic in our seafood. To address this environmental issue, Hanover undertook a mission to reduce its consumption of SUPs across its offices and supply chain. Through comprehensive audits, Hanover tracked its annual use of SUPs and explored various reduction or elimination strategies. Actions taken include ensuring an ample supply of reusable cutlery to avoid reliance on disposable alternatives, installing watercoolers to reduce bottled water purchases, and banning straws and clingfilm from office kitchens.

A sustainable swap
In celebration of World Recycling Day on March 22, a collaborative clothes swap event took place at Riverside House, AVENIR GLOBAL’s London office. The event, hosted by AXON, Madano, Cherry, and Hanover, aimed to highlight the importance of clothing recycling and to encourage colleagues to reconsider the disposal of unused items.
Participants exchanged their unused or unwanted clothing, breathing new life into their wardrobes through “new to me” finds. Items that remained unclaimed were generously contributed to Traid, a charity committed to curtailing clothing waste across the United Kingdom. Traid’s innovative approach transforms clothing waste into funds and resources, mitigating environmental and societal impacts associated with fashion.
The event resulted in a collection of 93 kg of clothes and shoes, which were spared from landfills. This action also led to a reduction of carbon emissions by approximately 0.83 tonnes and saved 156 cubic metres of water. Sales from these clothes in Traid’s retail outlets will finance international projects dedicated to enhancing conditions and practices within the textile industry.

Greening the community
In 2023, Cherry organized a volunteering day in collaboration with Bankside Open Spaces Trust, a local environmental charity committed to improving people’s health and wellbeing by providing beautiful green spaces throughout Southwark and Lambeth in London. For the third consecutive year, Cherry’s group of nine volunteers was keen to get mucked in, this time focusing their efforts on the upkeep of Hatfields Green—which included raking foliage, pruning, litter picking, and weeding. The Cherry team is committed to working with charities and initiatives that serve the local Bankside neighbourhood, and such volunteering opportunities enable the team to have a positive impact on their community.