05Human capital development 

We select, compensate, and promote our employees based on merit, without discrimination on grounds of race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability. We offer an extensive range of professional development and training programs at the local, national, and international levels for all categories of employees, we reward excellence nationally and locally, and each office offers its employees specific programs and benefits to foster employee wellness and satisfaction.

By the Numbers


professional development hours logged in 2023


employees rewarded as part of the Achievement Awards program 


participants to The Institute 101, 201, and 301 sessions 


employees rewarded as part of the Thank You Awards program


Industry awards won in 2023 


Firm-wide webinars as part of our Destination Digital and Visionary Leadership Model training programs 

Around the Network

Puppy Therapy at Hanover

The Institute 101, 201, and 301 

Every year, selected staff members from our various offices are invited to partake in peer-led, face-to-face workshops that are tailored to improve their business acumen, foster cross-office collaboration, and provide networking opportunities.

The Institute 101 is a three-day session for junior employees, taking place in Montreal during spring. Attendees dive into business management and fundamental communication skills, exploring key topics for public relations professionals—including client expectation management, project management, and business development.

The Institute 201 unfolds over two days at our Toronto office in the summer. This workshop is crafted to empower some of our more senior consultants to become trusted advisors, equipped with advanced capabilities to serve the evolving needs of both existing and potential clients.

In 2023, we also launched the third cohort of The Institute 301, a one-year program for our senior leaders. This journey aims to increase their awareness of the key components propelling the business forward at the network level.

Puppy Therapy at Hanover

Visionary Leadership Model

The Visionary Leadership Model (VLM) is a comprehensive framework that defines AVENIR GLOBAL’s approach to successful consultancy. In every office, designated VLM ambassadors conduct introductory sessions for newcomers and support staff in applying the model. A series of Firm-wide webinars, known as the “Leadership Panels,” delves into the VLM’s central themes. The 2023 lineup included a conversation on leadership skills with our brands’ HR leads; a panel on navigating relationships within our network; and another one with colleagues sharing their distinct perspectives and strategies on business development.

Puppy Therapy at Hanover

Destination Digital

The Destination Digital program is tailored to equip consultants at every level with up-to-date knowledge of digital trends, tools, and best practices. This educational offering includes “Digital Conversations,” a suite of webinars where digital experts from the AVENIR GLOBAL network share their expertise on a range of subjects, with occasional participation of external guest speakers. In 2023, the program hosted six webinars, each spotlighting a distinct area of digital communications, from artificial intelligence and data-driven strategies to influencer marketing, search engine optimization, and paid media.

Achievement Awards

The Achievement Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of employees of the AVENIR GLOBAL family at the local and international levels.
The objective of this program is to recognize employees whose exceptional contributions reinforce the Firm’s values and vision and promote its growth and leadership position in communication and public relations. 

Among 255 nominations submitted by colleagues, 96 laureates were selected this year for their accomplishments in seven categories. The awards were presented during local ceremonies at each of our offices. 

In addition to the winners in local categories, AVENIR GLOBAL also presents two global recognition awards. 

2023 AVENIR GLOBAL Way Award

Meaghan Beech (NATIONAL Toronto)

The AVENIR GLOBAL Way Award is presented to the employee who best represents the Firm’s values and embodies our brand by applying bold thinking to solve challenges and establishing trusted relationships with clients and partners. 

The 2023 recipient of the AVENIR GLOBAL Way Award is Meaghan Beech. Meaghan has been instrumental in leading NATIONAL Toronto through a year of positive change, especially since being promoted to chief of staff. She played an important role in helping two new managing partners—Brian Pearl in Toronto and Mark Seland in Western Canada—settle in their new responsibilities. 

Meaghan has been described as the ultimate teammate. She is quick to share the spotlight with colleagues and she will always stand in front of the spear for her team when a dispute occurs with a client. Her ability to provide humble, yet concise advice and support has led her to develop strong relationships with many across the Firm. As a result, everyone wants to be on her team when projects come forward. 

Meaghan also excels at navigating client relationships with grace and driving new business initiatives. She leads by example, rolls up her sleeves, and knows how to get things done. In that sense, she truly personifies AVENIR GLOBAL’s values and her engagement inspires others to emulate the way of our Firm. 

2023 Luc Beauregard Award

Jonty Summers (Hanover Dubai)

The Luc Beauregard Award, dedicated to the memory of our founder, is presented to one of the AVENIR GLOBAL Achievement Awards winners whose stellar nomination and strong performance during the year truly stood out among all local laureates. 

Recipient of the People Leader Award for Hanover, Jonty Summers has been selected as this year’s winner of the Luc Beauregard Award for his accomplishments as the managing director of Hanover’s Dubai office. 

Jonty established the Dubai operations in 2017 and led its rapid expansion. Despite working in a tough market with challenging clients and often difficult circumstances, he leads one of the most motivated groups of staff at Hanover. Jonty takes great pride in this team that he has personally put together and is always eager to reward and recognize their effort. He knows how to get the best out of them, while also ensuring that expectations are delivered upon. 

Jonty also plays an important role in mentoring emerging leaders at Hanover. He has supported the development of two directors on his team, who have grown and flourished into important contributors for the Firm.  

Jonty’s approach to leadership and his ability to unite people towards a common goal has led to remarkable client success for Hanover in the Middle East, and through these achievements, he perfectly exemplifies the spirit of the Luc Beauregard Award.